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DSF 2024: Beyond pixels: How design teams can thrive

This event has now ended.
9 February 2024 9:15 - 10:00

Beyond pixels : How design teams can thrive

Date: Friday 9th Feb

Time: 9.15am-10am

Are you interested in how design teams can thrive? Join Auto Trader as they explore how they have embraced design culture and share some of their key areas of success when growing their team over the past couple of years.

These include:

Purpose – how we’ve created one which drives belonging and engagement.

Ways of working – how we create an environment that keeps people aligned and drives conversation, feedback, and inspiration.

Growth and impact – how we are continually developing the team, sharing, and celebrating our story across the business and wider design communities.

Suitable for: Anyone working in design, studying design or interested in design team culture & what they can learn from itCapacity: OpenZoom format: Webinar style (no breakout rooms, attendees can't see each other, attendees can interact via chat)

Attendee Profile:

Kate Southern, Product Designer (Auto Trader)

Tracy Smith, Portfolio Design Lead (Auto Trader)


About the Digital Skills Festival

This event is part of Professional Development Day, the final day of the Digital Skills Festival 2024. The Digital Skills Festival is an annual event hosted by Manchester Digital, aimed at bringing the tech community in the North West together to build our digital future. This event, and all events within the Festival, are free to attend thanks to the generous support of our Sponsors.

To learn more about the Festival:


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9 February 2024 9:15 - 10:00

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